Well Baby they come and go
Will I do any of these things?
The answer's probably no...

I went home straight from work last night, and managed to witness people celebrating new year. The streets were full, but not as crammed as I'd thought it would. Perhaps, the crisis factored in it? Not bad. Though I prefer the solemn, quiet other nights.

The fireworks, however, were lame, sorry. Of course, if one compared them to that of Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, they were out of league. Hotels along the way popped them with no concept and these fireworks appeared at less than desirable altitude.

Fahmi's favourite film, so far (Ratatouille).

So... gone is the year of Rat. But I have a gut feeling, I'll be seeing more crushed, run-over rats on streets this year.

They've been taking the blame of men's shameful act of corruption without being able to defend themselves. It really itches me that anti-corruption movements use rat to symbolize the illicit acts and actors. Really! Can't we, human, stop attributing our erratic behaviour to these animals, and have the courage to take 'the credit'? These 'unsung heroes' have been subjected to researches without protest for our ends. They've been genetically engineered and manipulated to help man push the edges of science. They deserve more than just being the receiving end of our angry outbursts.

The poor things...